Sunday, January 19th, 2025
Sunday, January 19th, 2025


New Kitchen.

Old West End. Stepping out of the car into the street, I have this sense that the Avenue’s, or “the old west end” (as us locals have casually come to know it), has something special about it – something aside from the light distilling through the mature maples and the stillness amid the din of the city. There is an expectation here. I guess it starts with the common knowledge that when we get a call for a quote in “the old west end” it’s going to be meticulously designed, thoroughly reviewed, and......

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Exploring Painted Cabinetry

How to choose the perfect shade of white. When we were first starting out, white was white. It was also the prevailing trend for the Modern Farmhouse kitchen, and we were getting a lot of questions on the best whites for cabinetry and, well, our answer at the time was…”it’s white”. (The trend continues today: white painted shaker cabinetry is here to stay, for awhile anyways.)  Since then, however, we’ve had the pleasure of installing some really gorgeous cabinetry, in all different types of exposures, and white has revealed itself to be the......

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Before and After

I’ve been so excited to share this before and after post. It really is a gem and a total transformation, and worth getting out there so everyone can see the possibilities. One of those (dare-I-say) shocking renovations where the pictures really speak for themselves. We started working with a great couple who were trying to figure out a way to renovate their bungalow, in a subdivision south of Lansdowne Street here in Peterborough, where all the homes trend towards the “aught’s” in all their side-split glory. The kitchen was closed-in, separate from the......

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Your Recommendations

We ran a fun little draw to win this beauty custom walnut mantel for our past clientele. Word of mouth has been our primary way of doing business. We meet great people (with great design ideas, which is the reason we can put such beautiful kitchens and cabinetry together) who then post and share their experiences. And, because we know that the kitchen build process can be arduous, and all of our clients so far have been happy with their experience, the word gets around. We only post pictures of our own work......

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Hardware. All of it.

Kitchen Hardware When we think about hardware, we naturally think about handles and knobs – those pretty, important pieces we use to open our cabinets. They are workhorses disguised as jewellery. I could talk for pages about choices and options and styles: offer design direction or explain the differences between contemporary, modern and traditional, linking to design boards full of examples. But that’s what Pinterest is for and not the goal of this conversation. I do notice that there is another, more overlooked aspect of kitchen hardware, which is just as important, but......

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Let’s talk shop.

It’s time to get into the kitchen process. Not the design aspect of it necessarily, although we may dig in there once in awhile, but more about what you’re getting into and what you should be prepared for, and what should should look for in your quotes. All those aspects of a renovation or a new build that no one ever seems to want to talk about. I love shop talk. You get the first-hand, tried and true methods from people who practice what they preach and love talking about when everything comes......

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